Employment Law
Relationships are vital to successful commerce. Our employment lawyers can assist employers and employees when forming, developing or terminating a business relationship.
We offer pragmatic and coherent advice in all situations. We understand that even with the best of intentions sometimes things go wrong. When this happens we have the expertise to help you identify and reach reasonable resolutions.
We will provide advice and representation on all aspects of your claim, including liaising with the employer and/or their representatives. We have the expertise to prepare and represent you at the Employment Tribunal. We will also advise you in relation to the negotiation and settlement of any claim.
We provide expert, straightforward and practical advice on issues such as:
- Disciplinary or performance related proceedings
- Settlement agreements
- Unfair or wrongful dismissal
- Discrimination
- Negotiating your contract of employment
- Work-related stress
- Bullying at work
- Public interest disclosure (whistleblowing)
- Employment tribunal procedure
- Transfer of business (TUPE)
- Equal pay, wages and working time regulations
We advise employees on what they are likely to achieve from bringing an Employment Tribunal claim, be it financial compensation and / or re-employment in the same role or a different role with the employer.
We will represent you by assisting with all aspects of your claim, including liaising with the employer’s representatives and the Employment Tribunal on your behalf, preparing for the final hearing, and representing you at the final hearing. We will also advise you in relation to the negotiation and settlement of any claim.

Rose Samuel Odele RSO Solicitors is an established law firm, located at 252 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London, SE26 4NL.
Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9.30 am until 5.30 pm. The office is accessible on the landline: 02086763449, through email: info@rsosolicitors.com, or website: www.rsosolicitors.com. Each caseworker/solicitor is also available for clients on their individual mobile phones in cases of a legal emergency.
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RSO Solicitors is authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
and contracted with the Legal Aid Agency