

 Our Litigation department recognises that litigation is, more often than not, the means of last resort. For this reason, the firm’s policy has always been, where possible (and where appropriate), to negotiate a favourable settlement rather than resort immediately to litigation. This is not to say that we approach litigation in a “softly” manner – on the contrary, if we cannot achieve our Clients’ aims by negotiation then proceedings are instituted and fought vigorously. Much of the advocacy at court is carried out “in house” thus avoiding as much as possible the additional costs of hiring a Barrister.

The Litigation Department offers specialist advice in the following areas for both Claimant and Defendant:-

  • Debt management (we realistic and practical solutions)
  • Insolvency / Bankruptcy.
  • Commercial and contractual disputes.
  • Landlord and tenant (both Landlord and Tenants).
  • Personal injury (for claimants only).
  • Consumer Advice and Assistance.
  • Employment disputes (for both employer and employee).
  • Professional negligence.



Rose Samuel Odele RSO Solicitors is an established law firm, located at 252 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London, SE26 4NL.

Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9.30 am until 5.30 pm. The office is accessible on the landline: 02086763449, through email:, or website: Each caseworker/solicitor is also available for clients on their individual mobile phones in cases of a legal emergency.

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RSO Solicitors is authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
and contracted with the Legal Aid Agency


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